“IT revolution of nenaphana” IT exhibition for the first anniversary was held successfully 11, 12,13 September 2006 at panamura nenasala. Our goal was to make awareness the community in area from ICT. This was great for the community. Our concept was ICT for community of as sanga (monks), guru (teachers) weda ( doctors) govi (farmers) and sisu ( student)We gave newest IT for community through this exhibition
Given below some of which nenapahana gave the newest it.
Given below some of which nenapahana gave the newest it.
- Internet call
- E –govi ghanakendraya (farmer consulting centre)
- E- astrology
- Ancient information collection in area (presentation )
- E channeling
- E- library
- Google earth from internet
- Jobsnet registration for unemployed
- Nenapahana radio channel
- Ring tone, picture, sms, from internet to mobile phone
Future of information technology Many benefits were from this exhibition not only nenasala but also community in area.
- How to connect with ICT according to them
- How to access to internet and e mail
- Promoted our services for community
- Efficiency and productivity of ICT for the community.
- How to create cultural, economical and educational environment with this ICT for the future,
- Made a network with school government offices and other institutes.
We were helped many for the succession of first anniversary from schools, temple, officers of government ,privet institutes . We can say greatly that it was attractive for community for awareness about information technology and come to our goal.W.A.J.S.K WicramaratneOperator,Panamura NenasalaSri Lanka
W.A.J.S.K. Wickramaratne
Panamura Nenasala
Sri Lanka